Going Somewhere

35mm Venice
July 22nd 2021

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It's been a bit of a tough time for the travel blogging industry, so we better make the most of the little things, like three days in Venice.
A narrow, back-alley canal between two rows of houses with small boats anchored on both sides
welcome to venice
An old light-up sign made up of individual boxy letters reading "FOTO BLITZ" mounted on a building facade
A loose flock of pigeons walking around on a stone floor
pigeon army
Venice, Venice — what is there to say? It's very refreshing and unexpected to see a city made up of tiny alleyways and completely free of cars. On some level, I knew that Venice doesn't really have roads, but what that means didn't fully sink in until I saw it in person.
A young couple leaning against each other standing on the edge of a puddle on a public square
Laundry suspended on washing lines over a wide pedestrian street between two rows of houses
laundry day
So, yeah — it's a vision of a slightly different world. And where else can you sit on your balcony above the canal, eating a croissant, sipping some peach juice and just watch all the different boats go by?
Fridge boat, chair boat, post boat, trash boat, drink boat, wood boat, you name it. It's pretty cool.
A woman with a camera around her shoulder standing in a bright space with plants and mirror-pillars
green lens
View of an arched bridge over a wide canal with houses to either side, with a boat passing by
river crossing
Neon letters reading "changing place / changing time / changing thoughts / changing future" on a wall behind an abstract steel sculpture
ever changing